Create link
Integration categories you want this link to support. Example: Ticketing, Documentation etc
Link expires after the specified seconds
Name of the link. Majorly used to easily search for this in UI Example: You can use customer name: Poozle
Unique identifier used to identify all the other resources. You can find this in the UI after the host and /workspaces/{workspaceId}
Integration definition Id when you want to restrict the link to specific integration
A unique identifier for Link
Name of the link. Majorly used to easily search for this in UI Example: You can use customer name: Poozle
Boolean to tell if the link can expire
Boolean to tell if only OAuth should be accepted as authentication process
If canExpire is set to true. This indicates seconds in which the link will expire.
Category integration belongs to Example: Ticketing, Documentation etc
Unique identifier for Workspace.
When the Link was created.
When the Link was updated last.
Integration Accounts